Sunday, September 6, 2015

8 Strongest Kids In The World 2

3. Yang Jinlong

At 7 years old, Yang Jinlong definitely qualifies as one of the world’s strongest kids. The chinese school boy is large for his age, weighing in at a hefty 110 lbs. He also possesses strength which is unusual for kids of his age range. Jinlong has demonstrated the ability to consistently carry his 200 lb. Father on his back. The pint-sized powerhouse can also lift and carry 220lb. Bags of cement. If that’s not enough, he demonstrated the ability to haul the family’s minivan along the road – a handy skill should it ever break down.

 4. Maryana Naumova

Proving that being the strongest isn’t just for the guys, russian Maryana Naumova currently holds the title of strongest teenage girl in the world. This 16 year old russian student is a noted female powerlifter who wins competitions wherever she goes. When she was just 15 years old, Maryana participated in the Arnold Classic, a competition named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. At the tournament, she bench pressed an astounding 331 lbs – more than most adults can lift.


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